5 Great Reasons Your Dog Should Sleep With You

5 Great Reasons Your Dog Should Sleep With You When considering if your dog should ‘sleep with you’, first mea ns to sleep in the same room as you. Then the next decision will be whether your dog should sleep on the bed with you and on his own bed beside yours. Read on for the benefits of letting your dog sleep in your bedroom. 1.   It is Comforting For Both Your Dog and You Your dog and you receive comfort from each other. Your dog loves you and looks to you for guidance. Allowing your dog to sleep with you creates a comforting routine so he does not feel scared, alone, or insecure. And studies have shown many physical and mental health advantages to owning a dog. Sleeping together increases the amount of time spent with your dog, potentially increasing those benefits [1]. Dogs may help lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, and improve feelings of loneliness [2]. Allowing your dog into your bedroom provides a calm, soothing presence that provides you w

Why Do We Love Cats So Much?

     Kittens are immeasurably cute. If you're having a bad day and you walk up to a kitten, I know they will be able to make you feel better.
You will catch yourself smiling each currently and so, as a result of UN agency will resist their charm?

No one.
Why Do We Love Cats So Much?

     Each cat has its distinguishing characters and personalities. They feel like tiny humans to us who own one or two cats, and we treat them as such.
When cats just want their own "me-time", as their owner, those are the times you find yourself craving for their attention.

     And you get extra excited when they do want your attention. They probably just want to use you to rub their belly or pet them, but it makes you feel good nonetheless.

Cats are natural activists, although they prefer indoors. When they're not ignoring you, or sleeping, they could just decide to knock a few things off your tables because they know they can. They would move around the house knocking things over, trying to fit through tiny spaces or even visit your laundry room for a quick "let me sit on this clothes and scare my human" activity. Whatever it is they do, we always love them for it

     There are numerous reasons as to why lots of people love having dogs around - they would always greet their owners at the door upon their return, they enjoy having
their house owners love and a spotlight, and they are always happy having their owners around - which are almost similar to that of cats too.

     Many people think that cats don't like hanging around with their owners in the house, but we with cats know them best. We know that they're not as anti-social as their reputation precedes them to be.
To those of us, myself included, who own one or more cats at home, we can boldly say that we rarely ever truly feel alone. Those fluffy little things are godsend. I have gotten so attached to mine that I don't think I could ever live without cats anymore.

     Even when my cat prefers to stay on his own and refuse to engage with me - since cats don't share physical contact with humans as much as dogs - do, just knowing that my cat is with me is enough comfort to get me through the day.

     There would be times when my cat would behave annoyingly, and even though what he did was wrong and he deserved to be punished for it, I would still forgive him from the bottom of my heart. How could I not? Cats are the cutest when angry.

     Just like the other pets, cats also feel very much like a child - even when they are older.
To people who love taking care of their children, or any children, cats also feel quite similar to them in certain ways:

- They need you constantly;
- They need your attention and affection always and;
- They are always happy when you care for them.

     Bottom line, having a cat may well be a pleasant bonus for folks that love being needed and appreciated.


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